Paul Rodari
March 3, 2010 - Il Foglio
The location of the first meeting has already been decided: Paris. Because France is a land of secular and spiritual quest together, where no accident - say the Pontifical Council for Culture led by Archbishop Gianfranco Ravasi - was born and raised André Comte-Sponville, the French philosopher and academic who wrote "The spirit atheism: an introduction to a spirituality without God, "a text in which it is recalled that the spirituality belongs not only to believers. Even those who have faith can not access it. Appointment in Paris this autumn, however, will not be Comte-Sponville the guest of honor, but the linguist and psychoanalyst Julia Kristeva, also non-believer even if sensitive and attentive to the theme of God Farther, namely beyond the idea of \u200b\u200ba meeting in the land of France, Archbishop Ravasi has not yet gone. Yet already this is no small thing considering that it was only last December 21 that Benedict XVI, in the important and traditional address to the Roman curia for the wishes of the end of the year, expressed the hope that the church did the opening of a promoter real "Court of the Gentiles."
Yes, because this is all about. Vatican's willingness to follow the papal idea of \u200b\u200ba place "where men can engage in some way to God, without knowing it and before they have found access to his mystery, in whose service is the internal life of the church" . And again: "In dialogue with other religions must now join the dialogue especially with those for whom religion is something alien, to whom God is unknown and is not, however, would simply remain without God, but at least approach it as Unknown" . He spoke of the Pope, going with the thought of the recent trip to the Republic Czech: "A country with a majority of agnostics and atheists, where Christians now constitute only a minority."
Yes, because this is all about. Vatican's willingness to follow the papal idea of \u200b\u200ba place "where men can engage in some way to God, without knowing it and before they have found access to his mystery, in whose service is the internal life of the church" . And again: "In dialogue with other religions must now join the dialogue especially with those for whom religion is something alien, to whom God is unknown and is not, however, would simply remain without God, but at least approach it as Unknown" . He spoke of the Pope, going with the thought of the recent trip to the Republic Czech: "A country with a majority of agnostics and atheists, where Christians now constitute only a minority."
The Pontifical Council for Culture is a work in progress. Ravasi does not miss any input that Benedict XVI proposes to expand its already broad scope. The will to follow up the idea of \u200b\u200bthe court of the gentiles, Ravasi has announced 25 February, within the subject of an investigation launched by Future: "Our department - said the archbishop meratese - is organizing a foundation called 'The Court of the Gentiles' which is inspired by the speech made by Pope the Curia in December. " In essence, a sort of agnostic or atheist network of people who want to communicate with the church. In addition, - Ravasi said - "we want to establish contacts with organizations atheist for a comparison." Third, "to study the space of spirituality without God in which he had already investigated the Chair of the unbelievers of Cardinal Martini in Milan." Finally, "to develop the themes of the relationship between religion, society, peace and nature. We would like to help everyone to get out of a poor understanding of belief, to show that theology has scientific dignity and epistemological status. The Foundation would like to organize an annual big event to address any of these issues. "
The city of the first meeting, then, is Paris. But where and how it will be still do not know. Yeah, why should faithfully reproduce the concept of a private courtyard to the Gentiles. These, in the temple, had no access. To them it was a private outdoor courtyard. And even in Paris is the same idea that you want to pursue: a place outside a religious space in which to meet, talk and even pray.
Ratzinger, before the speech to the Roman curia, he faced the issue just in Paris, during his trip to France (12-15 September 2008). It was on this occasion that he spoke of seeking God as the main reason by which Western monasticism was born and with it, Western culture. "As a first step in evangelization - said Benedict XVI last December - we must try to keep alive this research, we have to worry about that man aside the question of God as the essential question of its existence. Worry because he accepts that question and the nostalgia that it hides. "
Ratzinger speaks not merely a meeting place, but a place of prayer: "A place of prayer for all nations, with what was thought to people who know God, so to speak, only from afar, which are dissatisfied with their gods, rituals, myths; who want the Pure and the Great, even if God remains for them the 'unknown god'. They were to pray to the unknown God, and so, however, be related to the true God, though in the midst of darkness of various kinds. "
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