1-2-3 October 2010 RETURN TO TURN TREVIGLIO,
(content being updated)
FRIDAY October 1
entrance € 5

vision and words Cristiano Valli Sormani
Created: Nicolas Castelli Nicolas Ceruti, Maria Rosa Horsman, Luke Marchiori, Sormani Cristiano Valli.
action: Nicolas Castelli Nicolas Ceruti, Maria Rosa Horsman, Luke Marchiori, Sormani Cristiano Valli.
TAETEATRO in "Gnosis OF fanfole "
free admission

reading / concert of poems by Fosco Maraini metasemantiche
with Graziano Gatti: trumpet
Paolo Guarneri: keyboards
Stefano Lazzari: percussion
Massimo Vitali: Item
The reader becomes sole shareholder of poetificio, but he immediately joined the board of management and should he, also, have the thrill of opera production. The author of more than writing, offers. If it is successful in its intent, it can be said to have offered a trampoline, nothing more. "
Saturday, October 2
free show

What is a play place? A comfortable space for events. Where a gesture, a word will be boosted by the container that hosts them. But the container may be dysfunctional, then the act theater / performance, if it is to be effective, must adapt and be very functional or should leverage on the contrast that crea.Il Van Fiat Novecento is a wonderful place theater. I was lucky enough to receive it from a farmer who wanted it scrapped cousin, did not use it much, but when I took were the remains of many vintages and libraries olive.Il Van Fiat twentieth century belongs to that type of objects that have their own intrinsic lived as the Beetle or the Olivetti typewriter. They have a strength of popular imagination, in the noblest sense of the term, because they combine the grace of form, functionality and durata.E 'People just that character that interests me for the show that Van parked propongo.Il with tinted windows as screens blacks, it becomes a place for a few spectators who come and sit on the seats. The scenes do not last more than five minutes, because we want to enjoy the theatrical event as a poem, an aperitif, a fragment full of words and images. The scene changes every night, change the subject, the actor who proposed the amount of spectators to bring in and the seat that receives them, front and rear, but does not change the theme that holds these five pieces of scenes as a single puzzle: we are interested to investigate, in this unconventional, the mystery of this thing we call everyday life, which is unfathomable and dangerous that you wonder or you are corrupt in its crudeness. There are no answers to offer, but trying to be poetic eyes cross.
Project and director: Valerio Gatto Bonanni
AT 19.OO and 21.00 BUNKER AREA Via Bellini 2 TREVIGLIO
STUDY Antigone (Sophocles / Brecht)
subscription card entry tae 5 €
From Bertolt Brecht and Sophocles
Wise students 2nd year drama workshop
By Claudia Crippa, Giuseppe Curia, Francesca Gatti, Laura Marziali, Samarin Maura
director Max Vitali
The 2nd year students of the course are compared in this show with one of the most 'important texts Greek tragedies. The five actors on stage at the same time become the choir, the character and servants of the scene, taking different points of view of those who live the story or who simply tells it: a vision more 'dramatic Sophocles to a more' Brecht's epic and distant. An interesting comparison between the old and the current figure of Antigone 'of the issues addressed in the work.
... holy pagan daughter of God before God to be known, after the flower paradise paradise was closed. You in the spirit of martyrdom, alone, staring attraversasti the vortices of the grave and I hope innalzasti above ground, 'cause
not eternal despair descended on the grave of your brother ..
free show
'S 'THE CABARET. THERE 'comic theater. THERE 'THEATRE SONG. And then there's' TRISTAN HEAD.
CRAZY! Egocentric! Irreverence! Tousled! POLITICALLY INCORRECT!
Tristan Head, the only performer and songwriter who manages to be both elated and depressed, for the first time, deals with love. But not only love a man lives.
comic monologue gags and surreal mix song writing with an explosive physicality.
"I love you ... but it does not concern you" is a comedy show in which different artistic languages, theater, circus, music and theatrical improvisation, you
blend and complement each other to create something new, a mixture of dark-demented songwriting with nothing short of hilarious accents
Welcome to this exciting evening!
Sunday, October 3
MATE 'Theatre in
"The Blues (reading)" by Tennessee Williams
(staged reading ENTERTAINMENT )
free show winner
Entertainment Weather Theater 2009 - Paul Drama School Grassi, Department of Culture of the Municipality of Milan, CRT Teatro, Teatro Litta Teatro Out Off Railing Theatre, Teatro Verdi, Sala Fontana.
Two actresses, musicians, three, four scenes, a musical and theatrical. Variations and improvisations that enhance the blues rhythm of the writing of Williams. The four
Blues Tennessee Williams propose universal human types, such as standards Jazz. They are characters that have the thickness of the heroes of Greek tragedy: the passions that motivate them, however, does not give rise to other dramatic action if not the destruction of the character. The marginal gain
renovating the central perspective or the social context that made them marginal. The spectator himself becomes the character, because he cast upon the faults originating in their expulsion from the characters of Williams.
Ingoglia with Alessandra Galati and Maria Teresa Gatti
trumpet piano bass Stefano Paolo Guarneri
Ippolito Chiarello
free show

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loosely based on the novel (Fanculopensiero) Maksim Cristan)
drama directed by Michael Santeramo
Simona Gonella
space and light Vincent Longuemare
Maksim Cristan is Croatian, rich and established. One day he left his Chevrolet Beretta at a stoplight, the engine is running, and walks away. In a hotel: room 510.Lascia that its phones download and stop staring at the ceiling: fuck. Fuck thoughts.
Then go to the station, take the first train to Milan and begins to live on the street.
It writes down the street. He writes of the decision to give up all of his meetings, his women, a life that does not want to - for nothing - has changed.
The protagonist of the show, played by Ippolito Chiarello, is rich and apparently said. Even one day he leaves his Chevrolet Beretta at a stoplight, the engine is running, and if they va.In a hotel: 510.Ma room there is a problem: there is no room 510. The space in which acts the character is vaguely reminiscent of a rectangle from the dance floor. This is the challenge - or experiment - which gives the character life stages in a very literal all the objects and furniture of this hypothetical room, the living to the smallest detail, and with it also evokes other characters useful his experiment, which is nothing but the cruel game of his life to stage, from which one wants to escape, the one that brought him to the room 510 and the next, who can only imagine. Fuck yourself, fuck your character, fuck the ruolo.L 'experiment is a ferocious down inside themselves, to search for answers at the bottom of the bottom, up to and risk of total loss until, inevitably, to find more questions and few answers. The show tries a way to analyze the desire to escape now so strongly ingrained in the modern world. Confronts the many fans who would go to ... the experiment of a test and that we use the traditional means of representation to represent and present possible alternatives. The main character is pushed to the limit of no return but fails. Any new role wearing the same coat-class taste with which he entered in the theater / room 510. In the text Santeramo goes often to the paradox, with almost constant laughter and force the character to ask questions often dangerous means to stage a challenge to see if the tools of theater, the role and character at the end are really so similar to the representation that we have made in the field every day to survive.
entrance € 5

The boys in the juvenile prison Puntozero C. Beccaria and the company will be on stage with Sophocles' Antigone, directed by Joseph Scutella sets, costumes, makeup and music were made by juvenile detainees who attended drama workshops that has enabled both Puntozero ll'interno Institute is the headquarters of Criminal PuntozeroTeatro. With the support of the Juvenile Justice Centre for Lombardy, C. Beccaria of the staff of the Criminal and Penitentiary Police Corps and the state could set up a permanent company, where young prisoners have ventured in the production of Antigone , "reciting" the dual role of technicians and actors. Before absolute value of the project and the relational aspect that leads to a true team collaboration and relished, in which the skills acquired in the laboratory and the efforts of individuals tend to achieve a single final result and at the same time playful and vocational. The Antigone and suggestion to investigate and reflect on the relationship between the man in the giusitzia; theme intended to move issues, concerns, and truth incerte.Puntozero for over twelve years working in the juvenile prison Cesare Beccaria in Milan teaching the crafts of the theater: set design, lighting, sewing, sound, multimedia, makeup and acting. The technical skills are applicable to the theater be spent working in diverse contexts, expanding employment opportunities in the world of work.
28-29-30 September
body comedian. Travel around the clown. The workshop will bring participants to the shape of circus clowns from its roots, and then navigate to new territories. During the tour you will meet, you will experience, you will hear and see. We will get in the game, and it will happen ... maybe in our country: let's get ready to receive it!
Our clowns will be the mirror the confusion and clumsiness clumsy in facing hostile forces of the universe inhospitable whose meaning eludes us, throw the mess in the order that we have built in our defense, we will play our security in crisis and put the supposed objectivity of our vision of the world will force us to admit that the border between order and chaos is not so clear as we would like and it is not where we thought it was, but will also help us to draw energy from our ability undeveloped land will nourish our roots, we teach us to get up every time ruin on the ground killed by lethal blows, giving wings to the sadness and color to the day off.
structure of the seminar:
· The mechanisms of the comic gags analysis of traditional and non-production mechanisms and not encoded.
· Work on your attitude through the comic tradition, improvisation and observation.
· approach to improvisation: personal creativity in comic mechanisms encoded
Bano Ferrari: Born in Treviglio, in 1951, he worked in theater for over thirty years as an actor, writer, director. Formed with polyvalent Bolek, he founded and was a member of several theater companies (theater of artifice, Philharmonic Clown ...) and they took part in events and festivals throughout Europe. It 'the author of books on theater and collaborates with several Italian universities and festivals. E 'artistic director of several major theater festivals. The artistic work alongside an intense pedagogical activity.
* From 20.00 to 23.00
Price: 70.00 Euro per person
Location: The Bunker, via Bellini Treviglio (Schoolyard Cameron)
theater review in collaboration with ilinxteatro, Association sailors and dreamers.
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