Thursday, March 17, 2011

Chocolate Molds,oscar Statue


still cuts to the theater, cinema, dance, opera, research, culture, or is expected to fall a little cash under the table and everything will work out or have the clear perception that WE ARE IN A STATE OF EMERGENCY .
That is no longer possible to work, that our skills and our professionalism will no longer have value. What will be back very, very difficult. That time and missed opportunities there will be returned. And
ppure reactions of the last two years have been weak unions and trade associations insist on a policy of wait-and compromises.
Nobody is intermittent and precarious workers, the theater and independent cinema, languages \u200b\u200band contemporary research, the younger generation of artists. Nobody represents our discomfort and our anger.
None but ourselves.
on March 27 and THE DAY OF THE THEATRE - and in Italy there is nothing to celebrate.
transform this event into a strong and widespread protest: blocks and theater productions, multiply actions in each city. Enough with the depressing funeral and initiatives: the rights do not ask, you win.
APPEAL TO ARTISTS AND COMPANIES TO THE SCENE TO READ EVERY NIGHT UP TO 27 OF MARCH OF PROTEST TO PRESS ALL STAGE: to defend our rights and our professional autonomy, for a fundamental reform of the financing system and the continuous income in times of no work.
invite those who occupy positions recognized in the field to be exposed PUBLICLY in defense of the theater.
It is up to us, we do not have privileges to defend, arranging for active resistance: while the Titanic sinks Let's dive and learn to swim!

Workers and show self-organized workers
(stable / unstable / intermittent)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How To Instal Steel Tub

SPREAD .....

Mr. President,

we turn to her as the highest representative institution of our country to seek support on the situation in the world of culture in Italy.

We are workers in the world of entertainment and we are present in all the mechanism that allows the performing arts to develop and offer a service culture that so often we are envied.
do this work because we believe in and culture because culture is made by people for people.
We are now without a future and we can not make plans.
We work every day, often without time or holidays, and in absolute insecurity.
For us there is no guarantee or social safety nets.
not "waste", we are not "lazy" and not "steal the salary."
We are present in all stages of training of artists and the public. We are present when the image goes outside Italy.
with the culture we eat, but no profit. And we want to continue to live there.
We realize that the cultural model that has long rule in Italy there is more, does not represent the majority of us involved in show business, women, men, young and old. During the mobilizations of the past months we have tried together, among ourselves, to focus the discussion of the country the theme of knowledge and culture.
Today in Italy the knowledge, good communication and culture are constantly being humiliated. Every day we witness the slaughter of cuts and cancellations of funding for this sector.
The country is aware of what's going on?
Please President to listen to our voice and take stock of the events of recent days, no one listens to us and we trust in you for answers, for our present and what we could not give our children.
We know that March 17, 2011, on the occasion of the 150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy, you will attend a performance of Nabucco at the Teatro dell'Opera in Rome.
We can not assume that you choose to celebrate their great musical moment, a work still using the work of all of us, and we realize that with these cuts may be the last show.
Given the dramatic situation, we hope strongly that this time you can make her voice heard and continue to express its solidarity with the experts and artists, urging the government to intervene through the cultural policies of different sign, since reinstatement of the FUS or finding adequate compensation.

We are sure that you understand our mood, our concern and disappointment of our lives, we trust in you as a man of exemplary state and supporter of art and culture.

Thank very much for your attention.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I Need Number Quickbooks 2007

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Black Hair Dressers Brampton

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Abdominal Pain And Pee A Lot


a surprise play for the 150th birthday Italian.
A great show for a chance to celebrate together.

-free entry-Treviglio-BG-

March 18 - Bustric (SERGIO BINI) in

The wonderful art of deception

And a performance in which the theme of deception is the pretext and the end for a representation of various art with pantomime, juggling, transformation and the acting.
A tale theme where the protagonist-author Bustric, playing with so many different elements of skill takes audiences into the world of imagination and the absurd. Bustric is not only magician is also a clown, mime, imagination, variety artist and music-hall ...
E 'actor and poet in the full sense of wonder at the scene. His show is titled "The wonderful art of deception." Is it not deception theatrical fiction, are not cheating the illusions of life, we want to believe the lies, the dreams that make us wonderfully escape from delusions of a reality often poor and bare? And so Bustric join us in a storyteller's tale with comic wit that runs through other deceptions in history and literature: the treacherous kiss of Judas, the wits of David Goliath wins, the dagger of Brutus against Caesar, the ghost of the father appears to Hamlet. But above all, his air of cheerful and sad little man tender and mocking, tells a story to be anxious Luna - Park between rides and orchestras or the tale of a Russian prince who saves his beloved from an evil wizard, in turns funny sylph from "Swan Lake" or assume the appearance flaming demon-eaters.
Bustric ... is above all an extraordinary man of the theater, well known to the public, able to switch between genres with ease, working with dancers as Valeria Magli, actors like Mauro Avogadro experimental groups such as Pontedera; but, above all, accustomed to working alone, to enchant the audience with a gentle kind of show, in which the memory is associated with fantasy, magic complete the narrative, the autobiography is not separated from the invention. Everything has a deceptively simple tone and innocent but do not be fooled, there is method in his madness. The show is a medley that features very adaptable, where Bustric has reserved the best of its rich experience, Bustric is an authentic presence.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Cramping And Egg White Cerival Mucus



Date 13 - May 14 to 15


This creative art of the clown is the result of extensive research experience began in France and raised in Italy over a series of laboratories. The art of the clown, even more than fantasy, feats, poetry is the total embodiment of a state of extreme emotional extraordinary truth, simplicity, presence, empathy, a state where time stands still, magically expanded.
The pedagogy is based on the stage body and voice, the various techniques of clown improvisation, research and the creation of its clowns, its entrée.

Jean Menigault Méningue in art is one of the most serious practitioners of this art, known for his performances in Europe and his shows. Born in Orleans in 1965, has grown artistically in Paris at the school Decroux, of Adrian, of Hottier. In addition to his performance is dedicated to research for seventeen years of teaching resources for the transmission of the clown tradition. (

times: Friday evenings from 20.00 to 23.00
Saturday afternoon from 15.00 to 19.00
Sunday from 11.00 to 13.00 , from 14.30 to 19.30


info and bookings: 3771912710 LELE

for registration and 'requested to pay a deposit of 50 € by bank transfer to: taeteatro - Cash rural credit cooperative artisan Treviglio IBAN IT70Q0889953640000000022077

the seminar take place 'in our home BUNKER AREA -
CELLAR THEATRE on a Bellini in Treviglio-BG-2