by Lorenzo Fazzini
January 21, 2010 - Future
What scope for a mutually fruitful relationship between believers non-believers today in Italy? Focus on issues such as a new era of dialogue? Spoke two philosophers: John Royal Salvatore Natoli. Reale, "A new alliance on school and medicine."
A dialogue of life, beyond any religious ideology. With attention to two "emergencies": the degeneration of education and medicine man who forgets. Giovanni Reale, a professor of history of ancient philosophy at the University of Milan Life and Health as well as renowned expert on Plato, find space here for that "Court of the Gentiles" spoken of by Pope Benedict XVI.
On what basis have to set the dialogue between believers and nonbelievers?
"should be recorded on a strongly existential. The manifestation of Christianity is not a theory: the faith must be shown, as well as demonstrated. But to answer your question today is much more difficult than in the past. The position of non-believers has become very radical. Rather than "atheism" is full of "indifference". Try to revive the sentiment of religion. I think determining what Benedict XVI wrote in Deus Caritas Est, "Being Christian is not an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction. " Christ must become a contemporary. Exercise of Christianity in Kierkegaard writes: "Lord Jesus Christ, is' we can become your contemporaries in order to see the environment where you actually walked the earth, and not in the form of a memory, empty and meaningless". "
The teaching and medicine. The Italian school is a disaster, ruined by too much "method" that has banned content. I propose a grand alliance for education between believers and nonbelievers because unfortunately has passed away the idea of \u200b\u200beducation as training, to the detriment of information alone. " And on the medicine? 'The answer with an example: in Germany has recently opened a clinic "modern": a new patient who accesses it is removed the names and relies on a number. This is the medicine we want? A medicine man who forgets? You have to have at heart the patient as a person before as a patient. " Several investigations
witness the return of God in the public debate. There is a risk of exploiting the religious theme?
"Yes, especially in politics. I remember what I said a Polish translation of my History of Ancient Philosophy. I asked him why such a hard faced. He said: "Marxism has erased traditional values \u200b\u200band the consciousness has created a vacuum. If you have a faith, take that way out, who does not have it look for strong ideas, no political connotations." The Catholic should remember that Christ said, "My kingdom is not of this world." When religion is misused as a key political, it loses its meaning. I learned from Luigi Pareyson, che diceva: come si fa a spiegare Dio? Rispondeva: qualsiasi teoria su Dio è una forma raffinatissima di antropomorfismo perché rinchiude Dio in categorie umane».
Quale l'apporto più salutare del cristianesimo oggi in Italia?
«La cura spirituale dei giovani. Molti interventi proposti dagli psicologi sono palliativi, la vera medicina sta nel messaggio cristiano. Cristo è venuto sulla terra assumendo su di sé tutti i nostri mali per dar loro un senso. Camus scriveva: "La notte del Golgota ha tanta importanza nella storia degli uomini soltanto perché in quelle tenebre la divinità ha vissuto fino in fondo, disperazione compresa, l'angoscia della morte. Si spiega così il Lamma sabachthani and doubt of Christ in terrible agony. The agony would be slight if it were supported by the eternal hope. To God be the man to despair. "And so the tips in great despair and healthy hope."
Natoli: "The Church in the face of Christ resonate companies'
More preaching the Church's spiritual, less manipulation (bipartisan) of faith from politics. Focusing more on the spiritual dimension (not spiritualist) of the Gospel message. Only in this way according to the philosopher Salvatore Natoli, professor of theoretical philosophy at the University of Milan Bicocca, the confrontation between believers and nonbelievers can take off again.
How can restart the dialogue between secularists and Catholics?
"Christianity is the resurrection, but also freedom from death. And the practice of giving oneself to each other is central to the Christian community. In this respect even non-believers see that the revelation has something that is good for men. I am thinking in particular, the theme of "caring" that size does increase the confidence between people and reduces tension. In this world of conflict, this territory is feasible both by those who have faith and by those who believe not. In the words of Spinoza, homo homini Deus: man can become a salvation for the other. "
What subjects see the practical comparison?
"There is a path that is easier to find a mutual permeability, and another where it is more difficult. The first is just the caring: modernity has destroyed the natural communities where the care of people was simply being together, I think the family. And what better than the Christianity of this index is to take care of the excluded? The political tradition of Catholic inspiration (and I Sturzo) made reference to this ideal. The same Cardinal Tettamanzi has moved in this direction "universal", so between Christianity and human rights there is no contradiction. "
And the more difficult route?
"That's what the rights of freedom, a ripe fruit of modernity. Even Christianity appeals to freedom and democracy as they have given the guarantee. But details on the issues of life and death, the Church now has the natural right as an absolute value, while a reading of "secular" that a node remains controversial. Technological development has dramatically changed the overall picture: When you are born and die? As is natural in the 'artificial'? Self-determination is no longer the artificial nature? Certainly, the Church may express his views, but can not impose the policy. "
She cites the example of solidarity and bioethics as elements of "dialogue easy" and that "difficult" between church and nonbelievers. But, reversing the perspective, there is also a risk of manipulation?
"Sure. And we really want clarity and balance. The Church has the right to convert, but not going beyond the field. Then there are also those who, from a perspective "social" uses the ecclesial community to their advantage on the issues of migrants. Now, the more the Church is spiritual, the less exploitable. Spiritual does not mean spiritualist, but from preaching, or the fact that the direct referent of the Church should not be the political arena as the entire society. "
Christian more active and less militant, then?
"Yes. Example: the Church's response to the closure to the mobility of people is that she is accustomed to the reception. Catholics do not say that we should welcome immigrants: they are already taking. And when he speaks of abortion, the Church must above all try to get people to produce children. In my view, the pastoral duty of the Church: to produce conviction, enter into the consciousness rather than politics. I think the attractiveness of a person like Cardinal Martini, who raised a question of spirituality. We must be able to raise the question: the figure of Jesus Christ can weigh in life men? Catholics ought to resonate in society, the question of Christ: Who do you say I am? ".
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