Saturday, February 27, 2010

Retic For Sale Canada

Il dialogo parte dall’Altro

by Lorenzo Fazzini
January 27, 2010 - Future
Luisa Muraro: true solidarity to save the hope - Susanna Tamaro : together against the aesthetic nihilism.

The provocation had launched Benedict XVI in his New Year speech to the Curia, when he asked for a new "Court of the Gentiles" to renew the relationship with those who "would not want to be without God." Thursday, January 21 on this page were made by the philosopher Giovanni Reale and Salvatore Natoli. For the first believers and nonbelievers must unite to boost education and preparing a "medicine man." The second urged the Church to greater prophecy of Christ and drew policy not to misuse religion. Today new episode of the survey.

Luisa Muraro: true solidarity to save the hope
In his home in Milan, overflowing with books, peeps the wooden horse of his grandchildren. A metaphor for the culture of caring that Luisa Muraro, philosopher "historical" sexual difference, founder of the Women's Bookstore, calls on believers today.
In the book "The Market for Happiness" (Knopf), she deplores the loss of the symbolic value of the religious right, because this would be serious?
"We risk the overwhelming power of capitalism and the market that obeys the profit. The religious culture is not reducible to the commercial logic: so it is important to prevent the flattening of a capitalism that cancels the symbol. I think that the religious dimension has a lot to do with sexual difference, has profound correspondence with the research of women, who possess the ability to zoom in the world to himself. They say the facts: the presence of women in Christian history is relatively stronger than the patriarchal reality. Carla Lanzi, laicissima, leader of the thought of sexual difference, he said that his thinking was born from Teresa of Avila and Thérèse Martin, two Christian. "
If Christians had believed "really" there would have been the Nazis: so she plays the recall of Hannah Arendt in Dialogue with Hans Jonas. What drama today, Christians are called to believe "really"?
"I feel our powerlessness and feel pity ordinary people are exposed to the disaster because of this" crushing "the media. Christianity preached by the Pope - I'm referring to his first encyclical - includes a commitment of solidarity inspired by the Gospel message. However, there is the problem of a backlash that can help us harden our hearts. This is why quality counts aid, which must be done to save hope. Helping others has the value of a sacrament, evidence to the suffering are not abandoned and that the good is there. The joint help is a sign of something more: she will call him God, myself, a better. "
The Church is a sign of this "more"?
"I wish it was a sign of another, so that when you say" love "you speak of the contents of this word. There is a paradox: the Church has preserved some features anachronistic, as the pageantry of the ceremonies. To some this is a scandal, I can not judge. Simone Weil was fascinated by the beauty of St. Peter's in Rome and its liturgy, she Assisi had a mystical experience of union with Christ. I agree with Maurice Bellet and theologian who wrote The Wild God (Servitium): God, he said, is where he wants to go. Thus we speak of a "Church Wilderness." I think of my friends, religious, and Tilde Maria, teachers at Tor Bella Monaca, Rome, a very hard place. We must learn to see the luminous beauty of the anonymous people that show this "more" without the "theater". This is the "Church Wilderness" who loves the poor. "
The Church speaks of "educational emergency" ...
"There is a general confusion. It should rethink the relationship of education: today you want to do only education, languages, internet, communication. But culture is something else, such as building society. The laity are not wonder more, leave out key authors such as Dante and Manzoni: To understand them we must enter into their religious dimension, and not treat them as De Sanctis. I have tried to combat anti-clericalism in the left and the "Manifesto" in those areas I talked about St. Teresa of Avila and St. Therese. "
What do you suggest the image of the court of the gentiles "?
"We must transform our language: I mean, for example, some expressions of Flores d'Arcais on Micromega, who belong to other ages. It must break down the barrier semantics between believers and nonbelievers, fossilized in an opposition no longer significant. I do not know their place in this alternative. "

Susanna Tamaro: together against the aesthetic nihilism
People have a thirst for beauty. Believers, lay people of different beliefs ask the artist to take care of man, the true trait d'union of all dialogue. The writer Susanna Tamaro, famous for its Go 'Follow your heart (Baldini & Castoldi), translated in 45 countries, located in the beautiful key to living the confrontation between secularists and Christians.
Benedict XVI evokes a new dialogue with non-believers: there is room for this meeting?
"It is the intensification of the conflict between secularists and atheists that has become problematic. I hit a lot of these lay their stubborn certainty and how much noise they do: most of the "atheist" does not share their views. In our time the secularists just want the conflict: it is curious that are willing to convert those who think like them. There is a popular dissemination of this thought - I do not have names for publicity - thanks to some total certainty that even the believers have. In everyday life there is an enormous need for testimony from believers. There is also a strong thirst for knowledge about religion and a great ignorance among the people educated on the subject of God in the conference of the CEI is not how many people entered the halls there. "
How should this be compared?
"The key area is in life. The big battle is between those who defend the person and those who want to reduce it to an entity manipulated: the man thing among things. In my book, Hear my voice a survivor of the Nazi says: "Never again". But then the word rings out: "Time and time". The Nazis came to us like a virus when it is argued that human life is sacrosanct and it is stated that the existence of the terminal is no longer human life. It is a process subtly perverse, because it relies on common sense. This goes hand in hand with the idea that we are all determined by our genes: if you smoke 50 cigarettes a day is just because I have a certain gene! But the man is freedom, this deterministic view is incredible, because it eliminates the will and the person can always choose between good and evil. This model of man says that the subject is not responsible, so are its genes, but then it can be easily manipulated. "
She participated in the hearing of Benedict XVI with the artists. How to fertilize the relationship between culture and the Church?
"The culture of the twentieth century has caused the aesthetic nihilism, now finished. You hear more and more talk about art that conveys something and unites people. My books have been translated in many countries and maintains a dialogue with readers that Muslims, Catholics or other faiths. When art is the truth of man, it brings people together. In European society, there is a gap consisting of an art that has abdicated its role. But people have a thirst for beauty because art speaks to us and tells us something about us. Between the Church and the public has created a vacuum: it is increasingly self-made, nostalgic for times gone by. We need to return to speak of the foundations for this gap requires answers. "
There are those who, the Pope writes, wants to "bring God as Unknown." How support this approach?
"One way is the art: the beauty raises questions on pain and beauty. Also, I think we need to know more about the Bible, that people, for the most part, ignores how many childish prejudices on the Bible! Finally, the testimony of life, which is disruptive. If I see someone who shines the light of faith can not remain indifferent. "
What makes you think the "court of the gentiles"?
"To meet the need to remove prejudices and think about the truth of man. We need to make a speech that comes from our hearts. It can also be a faith "secular", as there are people who are not believers that rely on. The truth of man is a value that unites more than religious beliefs. "


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