by Lorenzo Fazzini
January 29, 2010 - Future
addition secularism 'neutral' for the interface between believers and laity. A non-believer columnist praises the social role of speakers, a theologian asks the Christian thought of to make room for atheists. Giancarlo Bosetti and Piero Coda.
GiArch Bosetti: "Dear Lay, steeples enrich society today"
communication between believers and laity is very "disturbed" by the political exploitation of religion. It secularists are responsible for those unable to grasp the elements in socially enriching faith traditions, such as the Church in Italy. Giancarlo Bosetti, editor of Reset, radiographer so the state of the art in the beautiful country. It takes the Caritas in Veritate as a model for the "court of the gentiles" evoked by Benedict XVI. His book "The failure of secular furious" (Rizzoli) criticized that category because "intolerant." Why
share in comparison?
"Because this box is in very poor condition we are in a situation of conflict exacerbated that any differences" bioethics "spread uncontrollably. And the policy has accentuated the conflict. We are witnessing the opposite phenomenon of 1984, when the revision of the Concordat was had a nice page of the Italian State by an affirmative vote by an overwhelming majority "
Where are the reasons for the crisis?
"From both sides. I took care of the excesses of the laity, as Enzo Bianchi was interested excesses opposites. Bianchi writes that Christian anti-clericalism is often the fault of the clerical court is a generous toward non-believers, I lay in my observatory, I see that the issue is more recent. "
The clash, in his opinion, imprisons the best resources of the country.
I do not think you can eliminate the differences on bioethical issues. These differences should not become an ultimate conflict. The "fights" between secular and Catholic happen because subrogated ideological vacuum. I consider the strong contribution of Catholic social cohesion, whereas many Catholic lay people speak of the item only in negative terms. Why should only think of the priests in this How? Non-believers often see only interference of the Church and do not consider the social role: how can you judge intrusive speakers when it is a good thing for young people? Maybe something like this to grow in Jewish or Christian Orthodox culture centers: aggregations were positive! After all, liberalism goes to religious pluralism, which is a vision for where the presence of religion is to ensure its expansion as it is not seen as something stale. Italian secular culture it settles into a dull secularism that considers superstition to believe a traditionalist. "
'share of Caritas in veritate ". Because her attention to the encyclical of the Pope?
"Caritas in Veritate was a valuable contribution in Italy but not all, his message the person before the economy has arrived. We are not able to enter the political agenda in the social contribution of the Italian Church, which is taken into account if it is convenient to the right or left. In our secular expressions as "positive" and "dialoguing" are rare. In the past it was not so: from Moro Berlinguer to the Socialists, there was a prolonged confrontation between believers and nonbelievers. " What contribution would
more from the Church?
"The Catholic world is moving forward towards other cultures and religions: I wish this were more decisive. I'd like to that there were no "stop and go" in ecumenical dialogue with non-believers. Why so many stops are made along a path with the Muslims? Ratzinger is wrong, but who defines enemy of Islam: just remember his visit in the early days of his pontificate, the Blue Mosque in Istanbul. "
Piero Coda, "purify the faith, new languages \u200b\u200bto say God
God never without the other. Getting involved in the silences and the words of the unbelievers. Why this is the economy of salvation of Christ. Piero Coda, president of the Italian Theological Association, is "enthusiastic" of the "court of the gentiles' as a metaphor of that comparison that the current pope calls with non-believers.
As the dynamics of this dialogue?
'When it is conducted without ideological intent, calls for dialogue to the believer a coherent witness of life and intelligence of God who became man in Jesus Christ. The Council says that there is need of a purification of the faith, which means freeing it from outdated deposits accumulated over the centuries because today in his light shine ever present. "
What are the "scale" the most urgent to purify?
"I think what John XXIII said at the council in the index, or the concept of update: the substance of the faith is immutable, and the language that expresses it is shaped by tuning on the signs of the times. There is a global momentous cultural transition. We have inherited a form of church rooted in the late Middle Ages: the modern, plural society, technological innovation, migration cause the Church to be more plastic, so you play their active role in all walks of life. Urge make room for a Christian conscience formed according to the gospel and Christian doctrine that penetrates all the anthropological and social reality. Need more space to the female dimension. We need more short prophecy as evidence of the newness of the Gospel and as an expression of diversity. " The
cultural debate is marked by the "new atheists." They are positive contributions to the confrontation between secularists and Christians?
"I think that the aggressive attitude of some authors have different characteristics than the atheism of strong conviction and fragile ideology of the sixties. This attitude, in my opinion, stems from two perspectives: there is a return to ideological corrosive, non-productive and regressive against the Christian tradition, and there is a disenchantment that the testimony offered by the Church of God does not catch the deeper questions. Here there is a request to the most radical believers not only existential but also cultural. The Christian culture is at a crucial point: either refounded starting event of Jesus Christ crucified and risen, and living in history, or decade and marginalized. Christianity can offer the world a new flowering of self. At a recent debate, the philosopher of science Franceschelli Orlando, speaking of the Christian, said: "We are not yet known the better." We must find new language, arguments and conceptualizations for our stakeholders: their expectation is so deep that would otherwise remain disappointed. "
How can we say God today?
"You can not say God without the other. I can not speak of God without any one to whom I address you enter to determine what I say. They are called to listen to the silence, word and the cry of the other. I have to accept whatever he says to me, even in his criticism. This attitude has a theological basis: the God of Jesus says His Word to man the point of becoming man, even the cry of man. "
What does this mean in our culture?
"For example, you can not say that without God that science and his discoveries about the universe we communicate. Speaking of God always passes through a given cosmological conception. Dante spoke of him in accordance with the vision of the universe of his time. Today we are not yet capable of this. Already understand this bet is an important goal. "
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